
Bethlehem 2023

Ya’at’eeh shí ke doo shí Diné, Greetings. My name is Remy. I am an Indigenous artist from Black Mesa on the Navajo Reservation. Right before Christmas I will be releasing an installation in Santa Fe that is rooted in shared colonial history with our relatives in Palestine. My previous solidarity work here was taken down…

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Lessons in Lateral Oppression At COP 21

Based on previous work making Lozen Shields for the Apache Stronghold in Washington D.C., I was asked by native nonprofits to create a shield to represent Indigenous People globally for COP21 in Paris. This was the second global mass mobilization art campaign I’ve worked on. The first was The People’s Climate March in New York…

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In The Spirit Of Faris Odeh

Over 20 years ago I lived with a Palestinian family around September 11th. It was during dinners of traditional food that our laughter and sometimes tears would solidify our shared struggle as Indigenous People. That very table where we broke Taboon together was where I was told the story of Faris Odeh, a young teenage…

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The Apache Stronghold’s Caravan To The Capitol

Making their way across the country, the Apache Stronghold left the San Carlos Reservation of Arizona and headed to Washington DC to protest at the nation’s Capitol. The Apache share our same enemies which are Arizona’s state representatives and the extractive industries that influence them, nonprofit or otherwise. Judging from past experience, the caravan probably…

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Organizing The Oppression Of The People’s Climate March

The People’s Climate March of 2014 was in New York City. The month prior to this massive convergence was a Training For Trainers event given by some of the top resistance artists in the country to the heads of all the NGOs and organizations that would be in attendance. Our training emphasized the importance of…

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