Stencils are a form of street art that comprises cutting out an image’s negative space to paint over it thereby transferring to material quickly without screenprinting or photocopying.
Seth Tobocman came to Bushwick to throw down and is considered one of the best in terms of hard-hitting anti-capitalist messaging. He is a radical comic book artist who is best known for his creation of the political comic book anthology World War 3 Illustrated. He has also been an influential propagandist for the squatting, anti-globalization, and anti-war movements in the United States.
Although a reserved individual, Seth’s artwork and stencils spoke volumes. I was honored to soak up knowledge and techniques to help create the Flood Wall Street imagery for the weeks he was there.
Client: Flood Wall Street
Tags: Branding, Direct Action, Environmental, Flood Wall Street, Human Rights, Street Art, Trainings
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